改变计划搭配对吗,改变计划用英语怎么说? -ag尊龙app


词典翻译2023-10-17 22:13:52高小节






拼音:gi bin j hu


【法】 change one"s mind



alter; change; correct; put right; rectify; revise; transform


become; change
【医】 meta-; pecilo-; poecil-; poikilo-


plan; design; blueprint; calculate; intend; project; propose; scheme; proposal
【计】 planning
【医】 project
【经】 output budgeting; plan; program; project; proposition; scheme


1. 她对改变计划似乎毫不在意。

she didn"t seem perturbed at the change of plan.

2. 我们现在不能改变计划了。

we can"t change our plans now.

3. 如果那天下雨的话,我们可能得改变计划

if the day turns out wet, we may have to change our plans.

4. 如果他的运气没有改变,他将愉快地改变计划,目标是在巴布亚新几内亚登陆。

if his luck doesn"t change, he will cheerfully change his plan, and aim to land at papua new guinea.

5. 不过,现在她不得不改变计划

she was forced to change her plans.

6. 他们改变计划的原因并不清楚。

the reason why they changed the plan is unknown.

7. 如此一来,迈可必须要改变计划了。

michael now knows he must change plans.

8. 我们保留随时改变计划的权利。

we reserve the right to change our plans at any time.

9. 即使明天下雨,我们也决不改变计划

even if it rains tomorrow, we won"t change our plan.

10. 目前我们还没有在改变计划

there has been no diversion in our program.

11. 不管消息是真是假,我是不会改变计划的。

whether the news is true or false, i won"t change my plan.

12. 如果你改变计划,请让我知道。

let me know if you change your plans.

13. 写下习惯改变计划

write down your plan.

14. 通知你们的组员!改变计划

contact your teams! change of plans.

15. 由于你反对,我将改变计划

as you object, ill change the plan.

16. 把你改变计划的理由讲一下。

give your reason for changing the plan.

17. 由于你反对,我将改变计划

as you object, i"ll change the plan.

18. 周末的大风迫使他改变计划

weekend gales forced him to change his plans.

19. 假如他们要改变计划,他们会让我知道的。

if they change the plan they will let me know.

20. 它将改变计划和协作的方法,因此对商业组织有很大的影响。

it is a transformational approach to planning and collaboration and therefore has tremendous impact across business teams.

21. 然后,我们要决定是否需要改变计划,是否需要继续第二期和第三期工程。

then we should decide whether we need changes, whether we should go ahead with the second and third stages.

22. 现实世界中,计划总是随着变化而变化,变化也改变计划中任务的优先级。

and like the real world, plans always change and reprioritise with situations.

23. 我很欣慰的说,他们决定改变计划,转而寻找一家没有过多债务并且具有潜力的俱乐部。

i"m pleased to say that they"ve since decided on a change of plan, looking instead for a club with no major debts and considerable potential.

24. 调查称,很多受访者本不打算60岁后继续工作,但由于被裁员或丧偶不得不改变计划

according to the study, many of the participants had no intention of working past their 60th birthday, but had to change plans after being or following the death of a spouse.

25. 如果改变计划有方,实施得当,而且员工了解发生改变的原因,那么它可以为你的公司带来效益。

if changes are well planned, well executed and staff understand the reasons for the changes, it can be profitable for your company.

26. 因此,仅仅通过改变目标、改变计划改变奖励机制、改变公司结构、重新设计业务进程是无法达到预定目标的。www.wentiyi.com

thus they work down that axis by changing objectives, changing programs, changing incentives, changing structures, redesigning processes.

27. 因此,仅仅通过改变目标、改变计划改变奖励机制、改变公司结构、重新设计业务进程是无法达到预定目标的。

thus they work down that axis by changing objectives, changing programs, changing incentives, changing structures, redesigning processes.



