拼音:i l s
a threadlike thing; a tiny bit; silk; thread【医】 fila; filament; filamentum; filum; silk; wire
【经】 silk
1. 看来爱丽丝要用自己的善行来赎她父亲的罪恶。
it seemed that alice was expiating her father"s sins with her charity work.
2. 爱丽丝脸色非常苍白,正靠在他身上,好像是在寻求倚靠。
alice, very pale, was leaning against him as if for support.
3. “没人问你的意见。”爱丽丝说。
"nobody asked your opinion," said alice.
4. “确实非常想看。”爱丽丝说。
"very much indeed," said alice.
5. “我听过类似的。”爱丽丝说。
"i"ve heard something like it," said alice.
6. 这次,爱丽丝耐心地等着它开口。
this time alice waited patiently until it chose to speak again.
7. “也许没有。”爱丽丝鼓起勇气说。
"perhaps it hasn"t one," alice ventured to remark.
8. 爱丽丝对自己的勇气感到惊讶。
alice was surprised at her own courage.
9. “我不懂你的意思。”爱丽丝说。
"i don"t know what you mean," said alice.
10. “我从来没想过。”爱丽丝说。
"i never thought about it," said alice.
11. “猫也可以看国王。”爱丽丝说。
"a cat may look at a king," said alice.
12. “我想是的。”爱丽丝沉思着回答。
"i believe so," alice replied thoughtfully.
13. 可怜的爱丽丝恳求着,语气恳切。
pleaded poor alice in a piteous tone.
14. 爱丽丝回答到,声音里带着忧愁。
alice replied in a very melancholy voice.
15. 不,我不是露西。我是爱丽丝。
no, i"m not lucy. i"m alice.
16. 爱丽丝总是遇到许多有趣的东西。
alice always meets many interesting things.
17. 爱丽丝胆怯地走到门口,敲了敲门。
alice went timidly up to the door, and knocked.
18. “谢谢,”爱丽丝说,“这很有趣。”
"thank you," said alice, "it"s very interesting."
19. 我也很高兴见到你,爱丽丝。
nice to see you too, alice.
20. 爱丽丝完全忘记了她的诺言。www.wentiyi.com
alice quite forgot her promise.
21. 爱丽丝不是一个愚蠢的女孩。
alice wasn"t a stupid girl.
22. 爱丽丝有一只蓝色的长筒袜。
alice has a blue stocking.
23. 爱丽丝这个周末打算做什么?
what is alice going to do this weekend?
24. 爱丽丝边说,边打着喷嚏。
alice said to herself, as well as she could for sneezing.
25. 他边说边站在爱丽丝后面。
he got behind alice as he spoke.
26. 谁没有赢?爱丽丝没有赢。
who isn"t winning? alice isn"t winning.
27. 爱丽丝的围巾花了多少钱?
how much did the scarf cost alice?
28. 爱丽丝不停地向我们挥手。
alice kept waving to us.
29. 爱丽丝没有受伤,所以她立刻跳了起来。
alice was not hurt, so she jumped to her feet in a moment.
30. 爱丽丝看见一张小玻璃桌。
alice saw a small glass table.