记起英语怎么读音发音,记起的英文单词 -ag尊龙app


词典翻译2023-10-17 22:11:22高小节






拼音:j q


think of


1.thinkof 2.recollect



bear in mind; mark; notes; record; remember; write down


appear; get up; remove; rise
【医】 origin


1. 你能记起到底发生了什么事吗?

can you recall exactly what happened?

2. 听听曲调,看你能否歌词。

listen to the tune and see if you can remember the words.

3. 我仍能记起从楼梯扶手上滑下的事。

i still remember sliding down the banisters.

4. 克里斯蒂娜隐约地记起了那个步骤。

christina dimly recalled the procedure.

5. 她只有在催眠状态下才能记起那次事故的细节。

she only remembered details of the accident under hypnosis.

6. 初我想不以前在哪里见过他,后来猛然来了。

i couldn"t remember where i"d seen him before, and then it suddenly hit me.

7. 过去的寥寥几星期是她生命中所能记起的最快乐的时光。

the past few weeks of her life had been the most pleasant she could remember.

8. 亨德森记起他是在一次去华盛顿出差的途中第一次与波拉德结识的。

henderson recalled that he first met pollard during a business trip to washington.

9. 乔努力想记起来,但他说不准。

joe tried to remember, but was not sure he could say.

10. 她本威瑟斯塔夫说过的话,于是她跪下来看着它们。

she remembered what ben weatherstaff had said and she knelt down to look at them.

11. “父母光着脚着出来,大喊大叫,准备买冰淇淋。他们还能小的时候看到冰激凌车的样子。”她说。

"the parents come out barefoot and screaming, ready to buy ice cream; they remember when they were kids and they saw a truck," she said.

12. 惟一使我记起那次枪击的,是我肩膀里的一些金属碎片。

the only reminder of the shooting is a few fragments of metal in my shoulder.

13. 即使这些边缘的细节有点难以捉摸,但当我们处于催眠状态中或在脑海里重温该事件时,它们很容易被记起,比如在心理剧中。

even if these peripheral details are a bit elusive, they come back readily in hypnosis or when we relive the event imaginatively, as in psychodrama.

14. 他们应该写下他们能记起的所有事。

they should write down everything they remember.

15. 我记起了很多关于露丝的事情。

i remember various things i know about ruth.

16. 我突然记起几年前的相似经历。

i suddenly remembered a similar experience from several years back.www.wentiyi.com

17. 她周四关于火车票的电话。

she remembered the phone call on thursday about the train ticker.

18. 她大概记起来她在生我的气了。

she probably remembered she was supposed to be sore at me.

19. 她从我能记起来已经戴了很久了。

she had worn it for as long as i could remember.

20. 在那一刻我知道她记起来了。

and in that instant i know she remembers.

21. 忽记起第一次见儿子的情景。

suddenly remembered the first time i saw my son.

22. 他得这件事,他的妻子早就记起了。

he remembered the incident, as had his wife (...).

23. 他很快记起了她上次的订单。

he quickly remembers her last order.

24. 我会尝试记起,下次查好。

i"ll try and remember, look it up for you next time.

25. 是的,现在我记起来了。

b: yes, i remember now.

26. 戴安娜:我记起来了,你的手上有黑墨汁。

diana: i remember. you had black ink on your hand.

27. 我记起了另一个天行者。

i remember another skywalker.

28. 记起你最开心的时刻。

remembering the moment you were happiest.

29. 我记起这对眼睛了。

i remembered the eyes.

30. 我记起这对眼睛了。

i remembered the eyes.



