拼音:yu c k jin
this shows; thus it can be seen
it is obvious that翻译例句
1. 由此可见,如今最受欢迎的课程不是文学或历史,而是会计学。
it follows then that today the most popular course is not literature or history but accounting.
2. 由此可见谈判的前景几乎没有。
there seems to be little prospect of this.
3. 由此可见,富有对他来说是多么重要。
it is therefore of supreme importance to him that he should be rich.
4. 由此可见,仍然存在分歧。
so there are differences.
5. 由此可见神是如何爱你。
that"s how much god loves you.
6. 由此可见,这里所说的神明完全是人间的神明。
the divinity in question is therefore altogether terrestrial.
7. 由此可见,去掉项目偏差是准确地风险去除活动。
it follows that it is precisely risk removal activities that remove the project variance.
8. 由此可见,要侵犯图书凯时kb88手机客户端的版权,谁用得着互联网啊?
who needs the internet for ag尊龙app copyright infringement?
9. 由此可见,在西方文化中,眼神交流是及其重要的。
therefore, in western cultures, eye contact is highly valued.
10. 由此可见在线广告市场规模戏剧化增长的巨大机会。
this is seen as the big opportunity to dramatically grow the size of the online ad pie.
11. 由此可见老乔从来不在乎人们对他的看法,艾伦写道。
as allen writes, jobs just didn"t care what people thought of him.
12. 由此可见,慕尼黑是一个极具迷人的有鲜明反差的城市。
munich, then, is a city of fascinating contrasts.
13. 由此可见,建立信任的关键是服务的品牌和信息而不是特色。
thus, the key part of the trust equation is not features, but branding and messaging about the service and who uses it.
14. 由此可见全球竞争的新的变化对美国人的生活产生了新的影响。
at some point, all these differences add up to mean that global competition is having quite a new impact on life in the u.s..
15. 由此可见,房子失火并不可能由燃烧的树木或灌木丛造成,而是由余烬引起。
it"s a sign that what probably ignited the houses was not burning trees or chaparral; instead, the houses touched off one another as embers blew like wind-borne viruses.
16. 由此可见,获得可靠的采访源有助于促进在共同关心的事物上的相互信息往来。
i think this indicates that access to news sources expands information exchange on matters of common concern.
17. 那些从政者将大众投资者的利益与华尔街的对立起来十分错误,原因由此可见。
this is why those politicians who set the interests of main street against those of wall street are so wrong.
18. 由此可见,真正的罪过在于,康卡斯特公司不乐意提供文件共享者需要的服务。
the real sin, then, was that the file-sharers wanted a service that comcast did not care to provide.
19. 由此可见,主要的竞争在两大温和的势力之间进行,它们在教派和地域上都各有侧重。
so the main race is between two moderate lists, each with a sectarian and geographic tilt.
20. 由此可见,马丁路德的人生激励了整个德国,他的品格依旧体现在当代日耳曼人身上。
and thus luther"s life became transfused into the life of his country, and still lives in the character of modern germany.
21. 由此可见,设计师在放置一堆文字输入框的时候应当注意用户是否会把它们误认为登录框。
from this, we can see designers need be careful when placing pairs of text fields that users don"t confuse them for the sign-in boxes.www.wentiyi.com
22. 上赛季英超联赛,纳尼作为首发球员登场仅有区区7次,由此可见他的能力增长相当有限。
last season you could sum up nani"s startling lack of development by the fact he started only seven games in the premier league.
23. 由此可见,人们要不就是急着想学会计算机,要不就是计算机相比于其他事情太容易学会了。
the conclusion is that either people are in a big rush to learn about computers, or that computers are somehow fabulously easier to learn than anything else.
24. 巴勒斯坦人认为这些地区是他们国家的领土,由此可见他们不会认同“两国并存”的ag尊龙app的解决方案。
by demanding that those places be part of their state, those palestinians seem not to endorse a "two-state solution".
25. 从椅子到航天飞机使用的碳,塑料制品在我们的生活中随处可见,由此可见,碳也是能量供应者。
the plastics that can be found in everything from your chair to the space shuttle contain carbon - as does, of course, our energy supply.
26. 由此可见,下一代电线会比现在多传输四分之一的电流,而且不需要添加任何大容量的绝缘材料。
that means the next generation of power lines could carry up to a quarter more current without adding any more bulky insulation.
27. 但近日的小雨使得营区内一些茅房满溢。由此可见,将来数月的雨季中,这一问题将变得极为严峻。
but the light rains there caused some latrines in the camps to overflow, illustrating how the problem would grow more acute as the rainy season intensified in the months ahead.
28. 由此可见,哈珀已不再被渥太华的政务缠身,但出访并不意味着他会忽略国内事物,而是要另辟蹊径。
so mr harper is no longer firmly tethered to ottawa. but going abroad does not mean abandoning his domestic agenda, merely pursuing it through other means.
29. 由此可见,哈珀已不再被渥太华的政务缠身,但出访并不意味着他会忽略国内事物,而是要另辟蹊径。
so mr harper is no longer firmly tethered to ottawa. but going abroad does not mean abandoning his domestic agenda, merely pursuing it through other means.