拼音:shu do
respecting; speak to【法】 talk of
1.regarding 2.asto... 3.asfor... 4.speakingof 5.speakabout 6.speakof分词翻译
say; speak; talk; tell; explain; persuade; theory到的英语翻译:
arrive; go to; reach; to【医】 ak-
1. 你说到的那本书已不再发行了。
the book you speak of is out of print.
2. 说到音乐,我完全是个门外汉。
when it comes to music, i"m a complete ignoramus.
3. 我正要说到它,可是想不起来了。
i was going to mention it, but it slipped my mind.
4. 我从小说到历史书什么书都读。
i read everything from fiction to history.
5. 贾斯廷话说到一半时被突然打断了。
the sudden interruption stopped justin in mid-sentence.www.wentiyi.com
6. 无论跟谁说话,他都能说到一块儿。
he can suit his conversation to whoever he"s with.
7. “我觉得…”她说到那儿停了下来。
"i feel..." there she stopped.
8. 我正要说到很重要的事情上。
i"m leading up to something quite important.
9. 巴里话说到一半突然停止了。
barry broke off in mid-sentence.
10. 说到请假歇班,他什么花招都想得出。
when it comes to getting off work, he knows all the dodges.
11. 说到底,我们的建议是公司必须思变。
essentially, what we are suggesting is that the firm needs to change.
12. 说到费用,你们想要多少?
in terms of cost—how much were you thinking of charging?
13. 王福羞怯地说到:"不"。
"no," wang fu said bashfully.
14. 不行,你根本没说到重点。
no, you"re way off the mark.
15. 他不以为然地说到他父亲是一个孤独的人。
he speaks deprecatingly of his father as a lonely man.
16. 我说到半截被打断了。
i was cut off in midstream.
17. 既然你说到这事儿,她确实好像情绪不大对。
now that you mention it , she did seem to be in a strange mood.
18. “别绕弯子了,丹尼尔,”布伦达厉声说到。
"cut the euphemisms, daniel," brenda snapped.
19. 听他说到这里,她内心的感情一下子翻腾起来。
when he said that, something snapped inside her.
20. 我刚才说到恋爱了。
i spoke just now of being in love.
21. 说到选择餐桌,的确值得尽你的财力买张最好的。
when you come to choosing a dining table, it really is worth digging deep into your pocket for the best you can afford.
22. 说到做生意,每个民族都有它自己独有的一些特性。
each nation has its own peculiarities when it comes to doing business.
23. 当我对人说我不会辜负他的信任时,我会说到做到。
when i tell someone i will not betray his confidence i keep my word.
24. 我想我们是说到两下里去了,我根本不是那个意思。
i think we"re talking at cross purposes; that"s not what i meant at all.
25. “简直是令人难以置信,”库尔特突然容光焕发地说到。
"it was incredible," kurt says, suddenly aglow.
26. 我知道你挺沮丧的,但说到底,事情并没什么大不了的。
i know you"re upset, but when all"s said and done it isn"t exactly a disaster.
27. 我们担心她没有能力处理那件事,然而她最终说到做到了。
we were worried she wouldn"t be able to handle it, but she came through in the end.
28. “你需要休息,”她恳切地对他说到,同时走过去将他的枕头拍得松松的。
"you need to rest," she told him reassuringly as she moved to plump up his pillows.
29. “我认为如果人们有好的条件,就会使其更有教养一点。”—“我想你说到点子上了。”
"i think it would civilize people a bit more if they had decent conditions."—"i think you"ve hit the nail on the head."
30. “我认为如果人们有好的条件,就会使其更有教养一点。”—“我想你说到点子上了。”
"i think it would civilize people a bit more if they had decent conditions."—"i think you"ve hit the nail on the head."