拼音: wi fi yng
【化】 extra cost【经】 additional costs; extra charge; extra expense; extraneous expenses
1.extracharge 2.additionalcost 3.extracost 4.traordinaryexpenditure 5.additionalcharges 6.additionalexpenses 7.traexpenses 8.spillovers 9.extraexpense分词翻译
【医】 extra-费用的英语翻译:
charge; cost; expenditure; expense; fare; fee; outlay; rate【经】 charge; charges; cost; expenditure; expense; outgoings; outlay
1. 没有任何隐蔽的额外费用。
there are no hidden extras.
2. 她不会支付任何额外费用。
she won"t pay any extra.
3. 20年后要付清10%的额外费用。
a premium of 10% is paid out after 20 years.
4. 如果你独自一人旅行,单人间的额外费用是每晚$25。
if you are travelling alone, the single room supplement is $25 a night.
5. 如需提供特殊食物,将会收取额外费用。
an extra charge may be made for providing special food.
6. 我们提供全面的快递服务,只收取少量的额外费用。
we offer a comprehensive range of express delivery options for a small additional charge.
7. 是否还有额外费用或隐性费用?
are there any additional fees or hidden costs?
8. 我们同意额外费用由双方承担。
we agree that extra expenses are to be borne by both parties.
9. 您大部分的额外费用是电话费和房间服务。
most of your extra charges were for phone calls and room service.
10. 这些买卖的额外费用通常是伪装美元的风险。
the extra cost of doing so is one measure of its concern to disguise its dollar exposure.
11. 它可以测试很多牛奶,所以不用增加额外费用。www.wentiyi.com
it can be used to test tons of milk so it"s not going to add extra costs.
12. 寄快速投递你得付额外费用。
you have to pay a premium for express delivery.
13. 问清楚额外费用。
ask about additional fees.
14. “为什么《星期日邮报》不收取额外费用呢?”她说。
"why did the mail on sunday not charge extra for that?" she said.
15. 而且如果你需要运到南部还要付150美元的额外费用。
there is an extra charge of $150 if you want the weapons delivered in the south.
16. 重申一下,许多网络公司会因邮资和包装收一些额外费用。
again, many internet companies will also require an additional charge for postage and packaging.
17. 如果顾客坚持用卡车以外的运输工具,就必须负担额外费用。
if the customer requests a carrier other than truck, he must bear the additional charge.
18. 假如居民们不得不支付额外费用用于垃圾收集,他们会抱怨很多。
and householders generally grumble a lot if they have to pay extra to have their rubbish collected.
19. 有太多的冲突因素,因而我们不能对额外费用作出评估。
there are so many conflicting forces we have not been able to assess the effect on premiums.
20. 这种广告有望带来大幅销量,因此谷歌能借此收取额外费用。
such ads are expected to lead to lots of sales, so google will be able to charge a premium for them.
21. 这种动机性的嫉妒让人们甘愿为他所嫉妒的商品付出额外费用。
this more motivating type of envy makes people pay an envy premium for the products that elicited their envy.
22. 一些自由职业者则欢迎“紧急的工作”,并把它看做索要额外费用的机会。
other freelancers welcome "rush work" as an opportunity to charge additional fees.
23. 根据中国目前的航班时间表,这个额外费用到2020年将达到30亿元。
and according to the current schedule of chinese flights, the extra pay will reach 3 billion yuan by 2020.
24. 但是生物识别系统是一个唯一值得供应商为之支付额外费用的身份鉴别系统。
but a biometric identification system could be a unique identifier that might justify its additional expense for some vendors.
25. 实际结果可能大不相同,目前没有预期的额外费用,可能会发生或减少的结果。
actual results may differ materially and additional charges not currently expected may be incurred in connection with or as a result of the reductions.
26. 例如,为何不让像拉各斯这样大城市的用水者交纳些额外费用以资助抽粪出坑呢?
why, for instance, do water users in a megacity like lagos not pay an extra charge to get cesspits pumped out?
27. 例如,为何不让像拉各斯这样大城市的用水者交纳些额外费用以资助抽粪出坑呢?
why, for instance, do water users in a megacity like lagos not pay an extra charge to get cesspits pumped out?