拼音:d hu chng gng
make a great coup
big; great; large【医】 macro-; magnum; makro-; megalo-
capture; catch; obtain; win成功的英语翻译:
succeed; win; prosper; success; triumph; prosperity翻译例句
1. 由于尽心竭力,这才大获成功。
it was all a great success—thanks to a lot of hard work.
2. 这次巡回演出被认为是大获成功。
the tour was judged a great success.
3. 这次巡回演出被认为是大获成功。
the tour was judged to have been a great success.
4. 她的新作大获成功,再次引起轰动。
she"s scored again with her latest blockbuster.
5. 我们6月份的促销大获成功。
our june sale was a runaway success.
6. 那部剧在百老汇大获成功。
the play was very successful on broadway.
7. 肯尼亚的长跑运动员在田径界大获成功。
kenya"s long distance runners have taken the athletics world by storm.
8. 政府首次使公司私有化的尝试已大获成功。
the government"s first effort to privatize a company has been a roaring success.
9. 制片厂为去年一部大获成功的影片筹拍续集,想聘她担任主角。
the studio wants to star her in a sequel to last year"s hit.
10. 由于其巨大的舞池,savoy 一夜之间大获成功,吸引了纽约地区最好的舞者和音乐家。
with its huge dance floor, the savoy became a big success overnight, attracting some of the best dancers and musicians in the new york area.
11. 伊丽莎白格拉泽是一个美丽聪明的女子,是保罗迈克尔格拉泽的妻子,她丈夫曾在大获成功的电视连续剧《警界双雄》中出任主角。
elizabeth glaser was a beautiful, intelligent woman, the wife of paul michael glaser, who had starred in the successful tv series starsky and hutch.
12. 她利用了我的轻信大获成功。
she has practised upon my credulity with huge success.
13. 两年后《某种微笑》大获成功。
"a certain smile" arrived two years later.
14. 这些收音机在国外大获成功。
the radios were an instant success abroad.
15. 破坏曾大获成功的商业模式。
to destroy a previously successful business model.
16. 克鲁兹可谓大获成功。
the cruze has been wildly successful.
17. 国有品牌也大获成功。
domestic brands have also met with much success.
18. 由于那部电影大获成功,它的插曲也很受欢迎。
since that film scores a great success, its interlude songs are also much sought after.
19. 尽管如此,一些纯粹的网络零售商已经大获成功。
still, some purely online retailers have achieved success.
20. 你的博客不会大获成功,除非,你的博文相当出彩。
your blog won"t succeed unless your posts are well-written.
21. 27年前,我在瓦萨学院也做了个演讲,大获成功。
you know, i gave a speech at vassar 27 years ago. it was a really big hit.
22. 手术大获成功。
the operation"s a smashing success.
23. 倾向于合作购买的消费者已经促使这个计划大获成功。
the consumer trend toward collaborative buying has already driven the program toward big success.
24. 如果认为这个项目很快就能大获成功,那我们就错了。
if we thought it would be a hit right out of the gate, we were slightly wrong.
25. 他的祝词里面加进了大量逗人的故事,自然大获成功。
he had included a large number of funny stories in the speech and, of course, it was a great success.
26. 这是斯坦森与英国导演盖里奇的二度合作,大获成功。
this was statham"s second pairing with british director guy ritchie and once again it was very successful.
27. 这亦是好莱坞的不二法门,哈利波特即靠此法门大获成功。
this is the hollywood way, and it worked pretty well for harry potter.
28. 虽然销量低,但是为appleii的大获成功铺平了道路。
though sales were low, the machine paved the way for the smash success of the apple ii.
29. 虽然销量低,但是为appleii的大获成功铺平了道路。
though sales were low, the machine paved the way for the smash success of the apple ii.