拼音:dn xi
crouch; hunker; squat
1.squat 2.crouch 3.hunker分词翻译
below; descend; down; give birth to; give in; go to; leave off; lower; nexttake
【医】 cata-; hyp-; infra-; kat-; sub-
1. 他蹲下来,把手伸到了床垫下面。
he crouched down and reached under the mattress.
2. 蹲下!一定不要让人看见你。
keep down! you mustn"t let anyone see you.
3. 阿尔伯特蹲下仔细查看它。
albert squatted down and examined it.
4. 他弯腰蹲下,把小狗们聚揽到他的大腿上。
he bent to a squat and gathered the puppies on his lap.
5. 狮子蹲下身,准备猛扑。
the lion crouched ready to pounce.
6. 他挨着她蹲下。
he hunkered down beside her.
7. 船只可能会因其重量在尾部而变得不平衡,可能会在水里“蹲下”而不能正常航行。
the boat may be imbalanced by having that weight far astern and may "squat" in the water and not sail as well.
8. 埃德加以蹲坐的姿势蹲下。
edgar squatted on his haunches.
9. 汉赛尔蹲下身,尽量把外套的小口袋里塞满石子。
hansel stooped and stuffed the little pocket of his coat with as many as he could get in.
10. 两人蹲下就聊起来了。
squatting down, the two of them started to have a chat.
11. 那只猫蹲下身来准备向老鼠猛扑过去。
the cat crouched down, ready to spring on the mouse.
12. 吉米忙跑到麦田里蹲下。
jimmy crouched low in the field of barley.
13. 感觉到鱼咬钩子的时候,她蹲下来。
hunkered down when she felt the bite.
14. 双脚稍分开,蹲下。
squat with your feet a little less than shoulder distance apart.
15. 我蹲下身子,捡起餐具碎片,放在托盘里。
i picked up crockery, put it on the tray.
16. 晚餐后,约翰森在吉尔伯特边上蹲下身子。
after dinner, johnson knelt close to gilbert.
17. 那么,蹲下身子做好准备吧,听听那些最好的大脑怎么说。
so hunker down and get prepared and listen to the best brains telling it like it is.
18. 我注意到门口的垫子有点歪,就蹲下来把它摆正。
i noticed that the doormat was at a slightly crooked angle. i reached down and moved the mat back into its correct place.
19. 还有另一个选择,通过蹲下而不是跪下来抬起地面上的物品。
as another option, squat rather than kneel to lift an object from the floor.
20. 先站到尽量靠近物品的位置,在你蹲下时物品要在两膝中间。
stand as close to the object as possible, positioning it between your knees as you squat.
21. 我蹲下来看着他,那个无知的我,我看着他的眼睛。
i kneel in front of him, my innocent self, look him in the eyes.
22. “那我们扯平了,”她说着在他旁边蹲下帮着收捡。
"then we"re quits," she said. she knelt down beside him and helped to pick up the trash.
23. 但是十年后,我们已经显示美国没有蹲下躲在不信任的墙后面。
but a decade later, we"ve shown that america doesn"t hunker down and hide behind walls of mistrust.
24. 我蹲下来看着他,那个无知的我,我看着他的眼睛。
i kneel in front of him, my innocent self, look him in the eyes. "cross your heart and hope to die?"
25. “我朝他扔了一块石子,”比利回答:“他蹲下了。”www.wentiyi.com
"i threw a stone at him," billy answered, "and he quickly."
26. 如果你在沙漠,除了在树后或灌木丛里蹲下,你可能没有别的选择。
if you"re in the desert, you may have no choice but to squat behind a tree or a bush.
27. “我朝他扔了一块石子,”比利回答:“他赶紧蹲下。”
“i threw a stone at him,” billy answered,“and he quickly moved down.”
28. “我朝他扔了一块石子,”比利回答:“他迅速蹲下了。”
"i threw a stone at him," billy answered, "and he quickly moved down.".
29. 妈妈声色俱厉道,罗西畏缩着,蹲下来穿鞋,她低着头,用手捂着脸。
rosie shrinks, crouching to pull on her shoes, head bowed, face concealed. her mum sighs.
30. 妈妈声色俱厉道,罗西畏缩着,蹲下来穿鞋,她低着头,用手捂着脸。
rosie shrinks, crouching to pull on her shoes, head bowed, face concealed. her mum sighs.