云霄怎么读拼音怎么写,云霄怎么念 -ag尊龙app


词典翻译2023-10-17 22:33:23高小节






拼音:yn xio


the skies



【医】 nephelo-


clouds; heaven; sky


1. 大教堂白色的塔楼优雅庄重地耸入云霄

the cathedral"s white towers climb gracefully into the sky.

2. 在下一个十年里,杉点乐园以其打破的几项纪录的成绩,将它自己打造成为“世界云霄飞车之都”。www.wentiyi.com

cedar point set out to market itself as "the roller coaster capital of the world" with several record breakers over the next decade.

3. 有一个年轻男子看着它们升入云霄

a young man saw them rise into the sky.

4. 群山似乎触及云霄

the mountains seem to touch the clouds.

5. 孤寂却成了响彻云霄的唯一音符。

solitude has become a resounding only notes.

6. 一提到主题乐园,你马上想到的云霄飞车。

think of theme parks and you think of roller coasters.

7. 肯尼亚坐上了云霄飞车。

kenya has been on a rollercoaster.

8. 你认为有时你像坐着一辆情绪的云霄飞车吗?

do you sometimes think you"re riding an emotional roller coaster?

9. 他也保证会让他的孩子和孙辈们去乘坐云霄飞车。

he also makes sure to take his children and grandchildren for a ride.

10. 我喜欢坐云霄飞车。

i like to ride the roller coaster.

11. 我看见了云霄

i see the clouds.

12. 刺激的云霄飞车是这家游乐场最受欢迎的项目之一。

the exhilarating rollercoaster ride is one of the most popular items in this amusement park.

13. 当日出照亮了双子大厦时,他踏上了云霄中的钢索。

as the rising sun lit up the towers, out he stepped onto the wire.

14. 指数曲线先是缓慢开始,然后如同火箭直冲云霄般的趋于无穷。

exponential curves start slowly, then rocket skyward toward infinity.

15. 第二天早上杰克看见一棵15米高的豆茎,直入云霄

next morning jack saw a green beanstalk 15 metres high, up into the clouds.

16. 在新英格兰的土壤中还从未进发出这样响彻云霄的欢呼!

never, from the soil of new england, had gone up such a shout!

17. 我尝试了速度最快,最高而且最让人胆战心惊的云霄飞车。

then i went on the fastest, highest and most frightening ride: the roller coaster.

18. 而且他也没有耐心等两个小时只是为了乘坐一趟云霄飞车。

and, i don"t have the patience to wait hours just to get on it.

19. 创造更大更快的云霄飞车,这一举措改变了整个游乐园产业。

it changed the entire amusement park industry by creating a demand for bigger and faster rides.

20. 我们都有了一次宛如坐云霄飞车般的经历,情绪也随之大起大落。

we"ve all had a roller coaster of a time - with the emotions to go with it.

21. 后来,这个游乐园第一个拥有了300和400英尺高的云霄飞车。

the park later became the first with coasters topping 300 - and 400-feet.

22. 告诉你吧,这些声音直插云霄,飞得比任何一个人敢想的梦还要遥远。

i tell you, those voices soared higher and farther than anybody in a great place dares to dream.

23. 记得收藏哦止大家搭乘云霄飞车,果真,云霄飞车惨难真的发生了!

remember to collect oh stop everybody a roller-coaster ride, indeed, roller coasters miserably difficult really happened!

24. 我最喜欢的是索普公园,因为像云霄飞车之类的刺激项目使我心跳飞快。

what i enjoyed more than anything else was thorpe park because of several exciting rides, like the roller coasters, which made my heart beat so fast.

25. 我想知道这么多人是在哪里聚集的,便走上街去,立刻发现这人群中的声音响彻云霄

i went down into the streets to see where these people were congregated, but quickly realized it was coming from the sky.

26. 可怜四条义龙,被这些沉重无比,高入云霄的高山压住,永远失去自由。

now the dragons, trapped beneath the terrible weight and tremendous height of these mountains, were forever imprisoned.

27. 这段高清视频让观众如同坐着云霄飞车在细胞内部的微观机构中自由驰骋一般。

produced in high definition, "powering the cell" takes viewers on a swooping roller coaster ride through the microscopic machinery of the cell.

28. 这段高清视频让观众如同坐着云霄飞车在细胞内部的微观机构中自由驰骋一般。

produced in high definition, "powering the cell" takes viewers on a swooping roller coaster ride through the microscopic machinery of the cell.




